Sesame Street: Season 33

EP1 - Elmo Visits the Firehouse EP2 - Alan Runs Out of Cookies for Cookie Monster (3982) EP3 - Three Monster Girls Who Love to Sing EP4 - Fix-It Shop Becomes Mail-It Shop EP5 - Baby Bear's New Parrot EP6 - Lost Baby Bird from Paraguay EP7 - Cousin Bear Is Afraid of Shadows EP8 - Big Bird and Snuffy's Letter Y School EP9 - Prairie Dawn's "Little Red Riding Hood and the Oat Bran Cookies" EP10 - Elmo Writes A Story EP11 - Emily Moves to Sesame Street EP12 - Copier at Mail-It Shop Is Broken EP13 - The Bouncing Box EP14 - Zoe Learns to Play the Trombone EP15 - Telly Takes Care of the Grand High Triangle Lover's Favorite Triangle EP16 - Baby Bear and Telly Do Stuff With the Letter B EP17 - Oscar Wants To Go To Yuckyworld Grouch Park EP18 - Baby Bear Skips Breakfast EP19 - Ernie's Rubber Duckie Loses Its Squeak EP20 - The Mark of Elefante EP21 - Big Bird Injures His Foot EP22 - The Three Amigas EP23 - National Bird Day EP24 - Zoe and Rosita Act Out "Little Red Riding Hood" EP25 - Big Bird and Snuffy Find a Lost Baby Shoe EP26 - Zoe Makes Up a Happy Song EP27 - Grover Opens a Popcorn Stand EP28 - Lulu Wants to Be a Letter Carrier EP29 - Telly Decides If He Wants To Give Up His Toy Horse EP30 - Elmo, Zoe, Telly & Rosita act out "Mary Had a Little Lamb" EP31 - Baby Bear and Telly play in Zoe's Zoemobile EP32 - Elmo and Rosita Imagine What a Stick Could Be EP33 - Snuffy's Grandmother Visits EP34 - The Amazing Mumford Makes Ernie's Rubber Duckie Gigantic EP35 - Telly Becomes Gina's Vet Assistant EP36 - Zoe and Rosita Have a Play Date with Rocco EP37 - Baby Bear Becomes a Dog EP38 - Rosita Teaches Zoe Spanish EP39 - Ernie Delivers a Chicken to Old MacDonald EP40 - Elmo and Zoe Play "Follow the Leader" EP41 - Big Bird's Pen Pal Gulliver Visits EP42 - Gina takes the day off to spend time with Elmo (4022) EP43 - Baby Bear plays T-Ball EP44 - Maria becomes "Monster for a Day" EP45 - David Alan Grier as Aladdin EP46 - A Turtle Wanders Into Big Bird's Nest Area EP47 - Nursery Rhyme Day at Gina's Office EP48 - Ernie Wants to Have a Honker, Duckie, Dinger Jamboree EP49 - Telly's Cousin Izzy Visits EP50 - Oscar's Road Trip