Gintama: Season 4

EP1 - A Conversation With a Barber During a Haircut is The Most Pointless Thing in The World EP2 - The Heavens Created Chonmage Above Man Instead of Another Man EP3 - Sleep Helps a Child Grow EP4 - That Person Looks Different from Usual During a Birthday Party EP5 - The Other Side of the Other Side of the Other Side Would Be the Other Side EP6 - It Takes a Bit of Courage to Enter a Street Vendor's Stand EP7 - Any Place Can Become a Battlefield When Men Gather EP8 - If a Friend Gets Injured, Take Him to the Hospital, Stat! EP9 - If One Orange in the Box Is Rotten, the Rest of Them Will Become Rotten Before You Realize It EP10 - From a Foreigner's Perspective, You're the Foreigner. From an Alien's Perspective, You're the Alien EP11 - Laputa's Still Good After Seeing It So Many Times EP12 - Love Is Unconditional EP13 - The Black Ships Even Make A Scene When They Sink EP14 - That Matsutake Soup Stuff Tastes Better than the Real Deal / If a Person Is Dead, They Can't Come Back to Life EP15 - If It Works Once, It'll Work Over And Over Again EP16 - Two Is Better Than One. Two People Are Better Than One EP17 - Smooth Polygons Smooth Men's Hearts Too EP18 - The Human Body Is Like a Little Universe EP19 - The Chosen Idiots EP20 - And into the Legend... EP21 - If You Keep Copying, They Will Retaliate / A Loss Opens Your Eyes to the Love You Have EP22 - Using the Carrot and the Stick Method Depends on the Situation EP23 - It's What's On The Inside That Counts / It's What's On The Inside That Counts, But Only To A Certain Extent EP24 - Are There Still People Who Go to the Ocean and Yell "Bakayaro!"? / When a Person Is Trapped, Their Inner Door Opens EP25 - No Matter How Old You Get, You Still Hate the Dentist EP26 - Countdown Begins EP27 - It's Bad Luck to See a Spider at Night EP28 - Once You’re Entangled in a Spiderweb, It’s Hard to Get It Off EP29 - It's the Irresponsible One Who's Scary When Pissed EP30 - The More Precious the Burden, The Heavier and More Difficult it is to Shoulder EP31 - Watch Out For A Set of Women and A Drink EP32 - Screw Popularity Votes EP33 - Popularity Polls Can Burn in Hell EP34 - Popularity Polls Can... EP35 - Hometowns and Boobs Are Best Thought of from Afar / The Whole Peeing on a Bee Sting Is a Myth. You’ll Get Germs, So Don’t Do It!! EP36 - Beware of Foreshadows EP37 - It’s Goodbye Once a Flag Is Set EP38 - An Observation Journal Should Be Seen Through To The Very End EP39 - We Know It’s Best to Finish Yearly Tasks Before the End of the Year, But then You Put It Off Till Next Year for a Fresh Start. That’s How the End of the Year Goes / Radio Exercises are Socials for Boys and Girls EP40 - When Looking For Something, Try Using its Perspective EP41 - Freedom Means to Live True to Yourself, not Without Law! EP42 - Kabukicho Stray Cat Blues EP43 - Cooking is About Guts EP44 - Whenever I Hear Leviathan, I Think of Sazae-san. Stupid Me!! EP45 - Not Losing to the Rain EP46 - Not Losing to the Wind EP47 - Not Losing to the Storm EP48 - Never Losing that Smile EP49 - That’s How I Wish to Be, Beautiful and Strong EP50 - Santa Claus Red Is Blood Red EP51 - Everybody's a Santa!


In an era where aliens have invaded and taken over feudal Tokyo, an unemployed samurai finds work however he can.

First Air Date: 2006-04-04

Original Language: JA

Vote Average: 8.1

TMDB-ID: 57041

IMDB ID: tt0988818